Why does Taximeter ask for access to a working folder?

Post date: 02-Dec-2021 14:27:10

From November 2021, Google dictates that updates to Play Store apps must target Android 11 or later. Android 11 restricts an app's access to files on external storage. As a result, Taximeter will have to ask for permission to access a working folder to which it can write backup files and hire logs. For updates you should pick the existing Taximeter folder (simply select "Use this folder"), and for a fresh install we recommend creating a Taximeter folder for the app to use.

We apologize for this change in behavior but this is a new Google security requirement we have to comply with.

For those with a logo bitmap on your receipts, you will also need to visit Menu > Settings > Receipt settings > Logo bitmap and reselect your image, as the enforced change also prevents the app from being able to access the logo via a file URL. Reselecting the image will alter the link from a file URL to a content URI which the app can then access.